Apparently May 30th is a popular birthday! I know a couple others with the same birthday as mine, but I found a couple more in Cheyenne. Anthony made me breakfast on the day of. Our friend nicely offered to skip his normal Sunday evening plans and watched the kids for us so we could go on a date. So fun to have dinner and a movie, just the two of us. But can I complain for a minute about the price of a movie?! Oh my gosh! The theater was not even that nice, new, or clean…and $5 for a bottle of water is ridiculous! I guess I'm spoiled by the cheaper theaters on base. I'm willing to sacrifice some of the niceties for a lower priced movie ticket. Okay, that’s all I’ll say about that.
Then, I got treated to a pedicure the day after my birthday. Okay, so I’m outing our friend here a bit when I tell you that he came with me to get pedicures. He gets them every 6 weeks and knew just the place to go to. So, the company was great and I have pretty flowers on my toes! I just felt a bit awkward talking about my trip to SE Asia and what I understand of the politics there while getting pedicures from a Vietnamese couple.